Every time you attend a local APWA event, you arrive you see the tables are setup, food is order for 100 to 200 people, speakers assigned, venues selected and coordinated with sign-in and name tags provided.

Ok, so who does all this? The Programs Committee! The Programs Committee is one of the most impactful and active committees within the APWA SoCal chapter, which makes real things happen every month. The committee’s main function affects all members every month as they orchestrate and plan all the various monthly chapter events while also working with the Board to identify educational topics. The events include establishing calendars, selecting and coordinating speakers, outlining the session in a flyer, setting up luncheon events along with audio visual needs, planning and ordering lunch and administering the physical setup and breakdown of the venue. The Committee oversees up to 10 events a year which include monthly chapter luncheon meetings while also supporting other committee luncheons such as the Complete Streets and Technology (CSTC), Public Works Institute (PWI) and Awards Committees. The Committee helps to educate our Public Works community with speakers providing current updates on engineering, operations, leadership, management and technology as well as establishing our monthly member networking opportunities with face-to-face venues in Southern California. For more info, to volunteer or for program ideas contact the co-chairs, Chris Tanio and John Martin via email at: ctanio@placentia.org; JMartin@anaheim.net

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